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Bushra Kiani


They say, “It is difficult to reach the top but it is more difficult to stay there”, Bushra Saqib Kiani, is doing just that! She has not only reached the top but is also maintaining her position as one of the best Social Media Strategists in Pakistan.

Bushra, is a Certified Creative Intelligence Coach from Miami University USA. She is also a Controversy Consultant. Additionally, Bushra is teaching digital media strategies to students in 35 countries via Zoom. 

Here’s the inside scoop on this powerhouse and how she is breaking glass ceilings: 

Hi Bushra! Please tell us more about yourself.

I am self-made and a workaholic.

I have worked in real estate, call centers, schools, food blogs, photography, and political activism. I started my first job in an internet café as a card seller, at a very young age. Due to a serious illness, I had to start my professional life earlier and then landed my second job of being a sales executive in a real estate company in Rawalpindi at the age of 18. At the time, I wasn’t so good in my academics but still managed to continue high school and then I did multiple courses to get some appropriate work opportunities. Later, I got Certified as a Creative Intelligence Coach, from Miami University USA.

I started my first job in my teens in an internet café known as café in Rawalpindi Saddar so from there I had seen the way the internet has grown and changed so much that at the same speed, I was also changing my skills being the internet café seeing and learning new information every day.

What inspired you to become a social media strategist?

In Pakistan, there were a lot of self-proclaimed experts who were causing harm to people and their businesses because they weren’t the right people for the right job so I thought that I should jump in and help rescue those who were getting scammed by such phony social media experts. This is what inspired me to become a social media strategist.

What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned in your career?

Humph! Well… I think the most important thing that I have learned is that the appreciation and gratitude you get from your people makes you feel and do better than what you did previously. I want to work on being, Asia’s top Strategist so that puts a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders too. Being No.1 is never easy as the race of staying on the top requires consistency in doing better every day.

It’s that I’m a pioneer of Creative Coaching in Pakistan and have the skills to train people to be Creatively Intelligent.

What does success mean to you?

The joy on my mother’s face makes me feel like I’ve reserved my place in heaven. This is the moment when I feel successful. It makes my mother proud to see me working hard not only for her but also for my homeland. I am sure both are proud of me, so this drives me to achieve more success.

Which social media platforms, do you think to have the most potential?

Well… I always say the father of all social media platforms is Facebook and it plays a vital role in our lives as compared to the newer platforms. The fact is, new platforms are coming up with different algorithms and features but they do not have as much footfall.

Be Active

Be different

Be Interesting

Show something that creates user interest to come to your platform again and again. Especially, sharing valuable information and positive feedback.

Where do you see yourself, a few years from now?

I see myself as a person who’s known to be a great Humanitarian. Getting recognized for being self-made without using any references in my life and having a weak academic background. I would be happy to serve as a positive political personality who’s there to solve the problems of the people.

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